Thursday 5 April 2018


                                           In all learning centres of any variety in old days the day began  with prayer.   This practice is still prevalent although at higher echelons of learning it has been now abandoned. There are invocatory lines in all the great epics of the world.  Many Odes are prayers of nature-deities.  No religious congregation can be thought of without prayers. The use of prayers as a mantra is therefore self-explanatory.  A prayer in full or culted lines from a prayer or refrains of stirring notes are used as mantras.  They set the proper mood for deep arousal of the dormant constructive energies.  Certain ccessories have been added by the process of prayer -recital which are being used as mantra but as in all kinds of mantras what is needed is the proper mind set and unshakable faith.  In fact prayer mantras  are the most commonly used and perhaps the most effective of all varieties of mantra.  In vaishanava tantra they hold a very important place.  Experts in the treatment of psychosomatic ailments know full well that prayer mantra can be of no less help then the prescribed drugs for effecting proper mental equilibrium and syncretic functioning of nerve orders.  And, having discussed the five categories of our mantra listing, we know come to the last -one i.e.Guru Mantra.  The all- pervasive importance of Guru in tantra sadhana has already been discussed -' it is in that context that the importance of Guru Mantra has to be seen .  Any thing-a syllable, a word, a string of words, a breath-plosion etc.  That comes from the Guru is all-sacrosanct.  It needs no scriptural backing to give it  legitimacy.  A Guru mantra is a Sakti-pata and it opens up the most difficult circuits of the transcendental journey for a sincere  disciple.  Sometime even routine words of pious nature are made mantras of powerful import by the centric energy of the mind.  Not only in Tantra but in Bhakticult as well this truth rules supreme..  It is said that Kabira, not having been accepted as a disciple, lay on the stairs of the Ganges when Ramanand came in the dark of the early morning for a bath.  His foot-steps fell on the lying bodyframe of Kabira and he said involuntarily 'Rama,Rama.'Kabira look up  this mantra, became a Ramanandi and the result were there for all to see.  In certain respects the disciple went beyond his Guru.  There are instances when just an invocatory phrase or call serves the purpose of mantra.  Such an example is that of Matsyandera Nath.  This incident may not have much Historical authenticity but its legendary nature makes it fully convincing.  It is said that the great Matsyanera Nath got lost in the seductive charm of a noble beauty and his tantra powers lay coiled and asleep.  It was Goraksh Nath,the legendary  Hatha yogi and as tradition has it Matsyandera Nath's discriple , who gave a stirring call at the portals of the mansion where Matsyandera lay wasted 'jag Matsyandera , Gorakh Aaya . ( wake up Machhandar, Gorakh gives thee a call).  The four words spoken by Goraksh Nath turned the course of event and one of the greatest Tantrics in India was brought back to his destined field.   Guru mantra, as such , needs no further elaboration.  It rules supreme even today in its pristine glory.
( Contnued in next issue )

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