Wednesday 14 March 2018


                                                It has been stated that a true Tantric with  the halp of awakened inner powers aroused by prescribed Sadhana gets acuainted with high and low beings-the opeative forces of good and bad things in the universe.  These powers keep a watch ;as it were, on the self-propelled karma Chakra -which operates as a manifestation of the Absolute-Mahasakti or Mahakal.  In a given situation a tantric can choose to put his powers or Siddhis to use in the interest of common good and welfare by taking the services of high beings to side-track the disasters and disturbances caused by low beings or towards off the evils of natural genre.  This use of siddhis is the subject-matter of many popular discourses related to the life-stories of not only great Tantrics but saints of almost all hues. The  miracles, therefore, have become invariably associated with all great Tantrics  of yore and of the present century as well.  In India where nothing moves without the sanction of divinity It is an uphill task to rotationalise the events in a secular perspective.  Not only the fortunes of individuals but the biggest upheavals of History and nature are supposed to be tied to the pleasure and displeasure of high beings.  A Tantric is therefore a mighty instrumentof change-social, political and cultural -In Indian context there are examples of mighty kings like Bhoja ( 11th century), Somesvara( 12th century) and vijay Nagar rulers who put the great Tantric of their time to devise Yantras, and put the power of Mantras to ensure common welfare and victories in war- fares.  In fact, Tantric practices  of this nature go back to the very dawn of History.  Not only Indians , Chinese and Iranians, but the Greeks the Semitics , The Negroites and the celts all sought the help of occult powers.  So a Tantric who is said to be the  wielder of super-sensupus powers must occupy a prominent place on the central stage of power map in most countries of the world.  Now let us take up the Sastric view of a Siddha.
                           The Siddhas constitute an interesting and colourful chapter in the History of Indian thought.  It is believed and insisted upon in esoteric circles that there are a million of them but accounts of only eighty four of them have been traced and even these accounts,In many cases ,are sketchy and unrealiable.  However certain names have proven historic significance and are referred as father figures in the field of certain branches of science.  Siddhas got their name as they were proven masters of Siddhis.  In normal day to day parlance' Siddhi stands for English language equivalent of noun' achievement but in Tantric context Siddhi is usually taken in the sense of rendering the body immutable with the halp of occult and alchemic preparations.  This involves transnutation of the physical body,revitalizing and  spiritualizing its essence so that it becomes vajra, a veritable dismond. Now it is common knowledge that diamond cuts everything else and itself remains uncut.  This is the state of perfect liberation while being still alive.  It is obvious that such a great perfectionist of Tantramust belong to a very high order and must be made of a far superior stuff.  This is , perhaps, the reason why miracles got associated with every Siddha.  In fact some Siddha who figure among the galaxy of the great eighty four were thinkers of a very high calibre with pronounced scientific bent.  For example ,the celebrated Nagarjuna was a Siddha.  This much is certain that he came from the Southern part of India although it can not be said with definiteness from which southern region be came.  During those times Nalanda University in Magadh region was at the Zenith of its glory.  Talent from all over the eastern world was draw to it .  Nagarjuna studied at Nalandaand  and was most probably a disciple of Sarah Pada -a renowned Siddha in his own right.  It is said that for experiments in alchemy and performance -oriented Tantra be put himself to regorous living at Sri Parvata -Nagarjun Konda in Andhra Pradesh for a considerable time.  When he attained perfection or near perfection he became a legend in his own life time.  He is said to have achieved the know -how of changing base.  Metals in to Gold and he was supposed to have been liberated fully from the constraints that The mortal frame of a human being is heir to.
(Continued in next issue---)

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